Well, it's official, and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it, but Cora Tucker is soon to join the ranks of housewives everywhere - for a while anyway!
I have applied for, and been granted a sabbatical from ministry with the local chapter of CEF. And please don't be hurt if you're finding out about it here, and not from me directly: It takes a while to get the word out to all the important people, so sometimes its just easier to post it, then gladly answer questions as they arise.
Starting October 1, I will begin a lengthy sabbatical from the ministry with CEF (though I'll still be partnering in prayer!). It will last 6 months to one year, as far as we know, but Lord-willing, I'll be back after I get a chance to rest and recharge.
Basically, I've hit burnout and am finally ready to just take a break. And no, it's not cuz I'm pregnant - cuz I'm not (Everyone keeps asking that!). :-P October 1st marks 5 years as Director here in Klamath Falls, and before that, fulltime work in the Eugene area for 4 years, and before that, I've taught Good News Clubs and 5-Day clubs year-round since I was 16. Many have gone before me that have done so much more than that and survived the experience, so I know that this is mainly my fault for getting to this place, in not handling things right. In my thought-life I've learned to deal with stress a lot better than I used to, but I still struggle with the stressful situations.
So... here are the main things that I hope a sabbatical will help me accomplish: 1. Develop my relationship with God to a deeper level, 2. Develop my relationship with Duane to a deeper level, (including spending more time with him!) 3. To rest. 4. to pursue study and/or growth in dealing with the stress of leadership, and with certain character flaws of my own, 5. Spend more time around the home, tackling projects, being a home-maker, and watching for opportunities to develop relationships with our neighbors, 6. Renew the love for people and opportunities in the ministry, as well as vision for the growth and development of the local chapter. 7. Any other things God sends my way (I'm looking forward to seeing the benefits of the lower stress level on my health!).
We're not sure yet who will be stepping up in my place, but for the forseeable future, it seems that God has provided the local volunteers with the gifts and time to step up and help keep things going. The office should be manned (womanned) Monday through Thursday with staff that will be more than happy to help deal with things as they come up, in addition to maintaining the current ministry, all while continuing to grow as God provides!
As the sabbatical begins, PLEASE pray for me: for rest, for diligence, and for progress on the above goals, as well as His provision for the financial end of all this. I've already seen his answers to the latter, as well as for the challenging decisions that have been made, and in smoothing this transition into new leadership (keep praying for these!). Praise God!
For those of you who are financial supporters, you'll be interested to know that CEF will still depend on your support as the ministry continues, and as they pay me during this sabbatical. I'm under orders not to allow "work" to distract me from the rest and recharging that I need, so they are helping to make sure I don't carry that financial burden. Thank you VERY much!!!
So there you have it: Cora Tucker will soon join the ranks of the SFABBOA - Soap Fans and Bon-Bon Eaters Of America. Yeah right! lol Rest or no rest, I don't see THAT happening! Please do keep us in prayer as we walk through this process, and that it be for the glory of God.